Saturday, June 30, 2007

tests are over! and more are coming -.-
can i dont have my results?
viva viva. i hate vivas.
coz i can never answer them, no matter hw easy the qns' are.
it just makes me feel damn stupid k.

a very random out of the blue question:

is it better for those who dont know, to continue not to know.

or is the truth better?

at least........zzz

dont know la,
tired of cookin up excuses le.

& as it turned out, im still at home.

Monday, June 25, 2007

i MAY not be online the next few days.
it depends on whether there's internet access
at whereever i am.

see ya all, when i see ya.
till then...


Sunday, June 24, 2007

tonight is not the bestest of all nights.
my mind is overflowing with all sorts of nonsense.
and it just has no space for petrol of any sorts -.-

i specially went to find it..
and yet things turned out tis way.
its nt tt i wan to be selfish..
but considerin d circumstances,
arent u abit insensitive?
maybe u didnt even mean it also la..
but still very disappointed..

ARGH..frustrationsssss.. Xl
surplus to requirements.
& redundant.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

i dont know why...
but all of a sudden today,
i just felt so lonely,
& so alone.

not because im an only child.
its..........smth deeper.
smth which.......i dont know,
its..........smth else.

on the inside.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

my favourite!!

ytddd, went to catch fantastic 4 with keith.
the movie isnt too bad, quite nice actually.
however i find ocean 13 is better, not only because brad pitt is in it,
but also becoz of d whole storyline. woots. =D feel lik watchin again =x
anyway after d movie we went to vil'age (?) for dinner..
the seafood baked rice was quite nice, but d price is steep at 12 bucks.

holidays are borin.....
everyday its either hunter x hunter!!! or online puzzles,
with a bit of reading of story books in between.
no sign of the motivation to study yet. 0.o lollll
& WHAT THE HELL is wrong with crunchyroll tdy.
once in d morn, and now, i get d message: bandwidth exceeded.
and its like im d only one with tis problem.

and oh, went taka few days back, to spend my past few yrs' bdae vouchers.
and spent 80 bucks++..on a bag, a cap and a smth else. LOL
after payin, still gt 80 bucks worth haven use yet -.-
wanted to spend it on d amor amor by cacharel perfume
i was eyeing on a few posts back.
but den decided mebbe it wasnt tt worth it.
taka spreeeee after the exams again! hohoho.

finito....sayonara! =D

Friday, June 15, 2007

why do you have to always make others cry.
sry, but me&mummy&dmaid, we arent ass suckers like your children.
especially your that daughter.
she doesnt even know hw to *toot* differentiate right n wrong,
cause in her eyes, you're always *toot* right.
OOPS, how dumb am i to only recognize now that
when you gave birth to her, she was already blind.
the other 2 are no better too.

how dumb ive been & what a huge mistake right from the start.
im so sorry ___, its my fault.


3 years in a hellhole, and counting..

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

a mother whose child has cancer is given 2 options.

Option A: send her child for chemotherapy, which means mths of vomittin n pain n whatsnots.
Option B: let her child enjoy the last few mths they have left.

as a mother, hw is she supposed to choose?
option A is of coz the more viable option, but which mother
would wan to see their children bein so sick n yet noe tt she's powerless to do anythin?
on the other hand, choosin option B is jus lik sittin back,
makin her child as happy as possible as she watch the child fade away day by day.

as a mother, what would you choose?

everyone shud watch tis drama, i tink its better than 1 litre of tears =x:
CLICK HERE --> Denchi Ga Kireru Made aka Until the Battery Runs Down

on a lighter note, my maid came rushin into my room at 6.43pm,
shoutin, 'han! see! outside gt smoke!'. i saw the smoke clear n sharp,
but i spent abt 5 mins annoyin d hell outta her tellin her i see no smoke.
and she kept arguing tt its there, kp pointin n stuff. ROFL
my maid is THAT cute ok. not =/ hhaha
here's proof anyway:

i have 2 conclusions: its either we've moved to genting or cameroon w/o me knowing, or woodlands is under smoke attack! omigosh. look, cant even see the sports sch anymore. tsk

& tdy, from arnd 2pm, i rushed to and fro d toilet for over 4 hrs to vomit, and diarhhea too -.- d rest of the time was spent curled up in a ball on the bed. mama said its food poisonin, but i didnt eat anythin d whole mornin, so most likely its pesticide poisonin. coz ytd nite dere was a lizard in d toilet, and my maid sprayed ALOT of baygon at it. im sure d baygon mus hav went onto my toothbrush. N i brushed my teeth wit d toothbrush tis mornin. if only i was tt 'lucky' with 4D =/ tong dao yao wo de ming zzz

life is full of choices. its either we dun get to choose, or theres no point choosin LOL

Life is very precious..
It is like the battery that keeps a person going..
But a battery will run down someday..
Just as a life will expire someday..
A battery can easily be replaced, but not a life..
After many years have gone by,
it is something that is granted by God..
A person cant live without life..
But there are people who disregard their life,
when they have a lot of time left.
When i see people like that, it makes me sad.
Life is running continously for them.
So until my life is ready to give out,
I'm going to live my hardest.

-terminally ill 11 year old girl (deceased)

Monday, June 11, 2007

i also duno why.
but from now on,
i dont feel like telling anyone anythin anymore.
ive nv been one to catch hold of someone,
and tell them everythin anyway.
when u tell others ur prob, u dun even noe if they rlly care
or they're jus replyin u coz they feel obliged to.
n moreover, theres nth they can do anyway.

at the end of the day, i just want to talk to
an adult who understands.
i rlly duno why.

to give up, or to fight this battle?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

whee whee whee..tests are over!!! for 2 wks, at least -.-
ive suddenly gt this urge to study.
i find it so weird, coz ive felt lik studyin before.
& i used to dun even care abt my results.

anyway ytd class at 12...den rotted in sch for 6 hrs
waiting for panda n bing to end class.
n we went out to celebrate bing's belated bdae. LOL
no cake included though =x
we ordered seafood platter @ cafe cartel.
cant even finish all d food sia, but nt left alot la.
den even gt 10% discount! =D
but 1 thing i'll nv forget, is the bread..and BUTTER !!!!
HOHO after we ate d bread, me n sher ended up jus diggin d butter to eat.
fat fat fat! but the butter really very nice...=P

tmr, im goin to d police academy open hse! to look & see.
actually we supposed to help my uncle sell things at d booth,
for 3 days from friday onwards. budden fri and sat mummy cant make it,
so we're only goin to help out tmr! lol
but i tink the air force open hse is still d fun-nest la.

* 1.5 million can..hw to payyyy....=/*

waitin for d hurricane to pass.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

im not in the mood to blog today.
but im somehow in front of the com, typing these.
LOL. tests are finally over!!!!! wheeeeee..
REE la...
if there was more time mebbe cud hav done better..
coz the last qns, his killer qns, no time do!
lucky gt draw the pump curve, still gt 3 marks!
im hopin i can at least get C's for all the tests.
B mebbe too high hopes le baa..hmm lets see..

Petrol- those qns wit diagrams one buang, but the rest most of it can do.
POO- 1/4 marks gone, coz 1 qns nv do. still ok.
REE- theory was ok, only gt sum cant rmb. calc SHUD b correct. but 20 marks
killer qns gone case. zzz
the only exception is GMP! tt one....i bwg zzz..


& i duno why..everytime the day i do the last paper, at nite,
i will feel lik studyin.. weird rite..after all tests finish, den i wan to study.

anyway my main topic for tdy isnt abt tests.
its abt remote-controlled walking sticks.
hoho, nv hear b4 rite!!
coz only my hse got nia...LOL

a few days back, i wanted to go bathe, but d old woman in d toilet.
so i waited till i heard her go into d room before openin my door.
and the first thing i saw was her walkin stick jus outside d toilet door.
funny rite, someone who needs to use a walkin stick, forgets abt her stick,
but amazingly can still walk back to the room.
so i tod aiya just leave it, later most prob d maid will bring in for her.
and when i bathe finish come out, true enough the walkin stick wasnt there anymore.
so i went to ask the maid whether did she bring it in, she said no.
and at tt time only the 3 of us were home.

its either she can skate, or the walkin stick is remote-controlled de.
PRO HOR! can walk still duno take d damn stick for what...

tmd, tt time she pray halfway, see the maid cleanin my room,
still can hold the joss stick walk to outside my room, just to look into my room.
its a JOSS STICK can..ccb, take joss stick come fuckin 'bai' my room ar.
son at home, pretend to be weak.
son not at home, talk on the fone lik scared batam ppl cant hear her.
lidat u wan LOUDSPEAKER not. !@#$%^&*
zzz, say liao jiu angry.
-i apologize for the vulgars'. too angry le. grrrr-

lalala..hw nice if it were true.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

this will be a veryyyyyyyyy short post.

in my last post, i mentioned something abt the magnetic sealless oil pump.
im sure rotating is a gone case le...
coz its supposed to be a magnetic drive sealless pump la.
alamak. *slaps head*

time to chiong..

multi stage barrel feed injection pump!!!! -.-

3 tests over! now left rotating equipment on thurs.
aww. and for the 3 tests taken, im confident i can get
either A's or B's !!!!!!!!
for none of the tests. ROFL
maybe even dont have a D. omg wth.

rotating on thurs will be even worse.
where is the pump? dont know.
where is the impeller? dont know.
what is a magnetic sealless oil pump? DONT KNOW !!
see la.............waliew....

enough abt tests.
ytd, mummy told me he wrote the drafts of his will on an envelope.
on it were names, and amt of $$$ written beside the names.
even the name of a person who has already passed away -.-
and den he said he duno can live pass 3 mths not.
i think rlly abit senile already. lol
so weird & and scary at the same time.

GM has been sayin she has been feelin pain all over her body.
even though no one has said anythin yet.
but i think deep down everyone's thinkin the same as what im tinkin.
i just hope it hasnt spread. ahhhhhhh..=/
its the same symptoms all over again la.....ZZZ

tink i shall go slp..dun tink so much le..

anyway, happy bdae toot toot bing!! =D

Monday, June 04, 2007

im in a happy happy mood tdyyyyyy.

lalala. i think im goin bonkers.
must be POO and GMP. the main culprits.

but nvm, tdy still happy.
maybe it was just a coincidence.
HAHAHA *shhhhhhh*

maybe i think too much.
blowing a nothing into something.
later.......just end up with a donut. LOL
nvm........still happy, for today

randomness : i wonder hw i wud have felt if my mum was that caller on UFM100.3 tdy. zzz

and it skipped.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

no explanation no reason no nothing.
then what are friends for?
there are ppl who just walk away without saying anything...
ya then what am i supposed to do?
some ppl have the ability to make others feel small.
being talked to like i did something wrong.
when i dont even noe who what when why.
i seriously hate this kind of feeling.

damn PISSED with the world tdy.

all i want is a smile, but all i get is a frown.

edited: happy le! hoho. but still pissed with poo, and sch =/


This page will be updated from time to time, but.... If you are interested to read about the inner, and lesser shown side of me, you're welcomed to click the first link in the exits, yes, the one named click :)



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